Carnival of Passive Investing #17

by ETF Base on April 27, 2012

For those that aren’t familiar, a blog carnival is a place to show off the best articles in a particular niche.  Publishers submit articles they think would be a great fit for a carnival and the site running it that week determines what articles make the cut.  It’s a great way for a site to show off their best stuff and a great way for readers to learn about a subject and get introduced to new sites.

This particular carnival deals with Passive Investing (hence the name). The purpose of the carnival is to get knowledge out about passive investing and to have a place where those interested in passive investing can learn more and share articles.

If you have a site with an article that would be a great fit for the Carnival of Passive Investing then make sure to submit your article via the carnival submission form.  So, without further ado…


Editor’s Picks


Philip Taylor presents 10 Quick Questions about the Roth IRA posted at PT Money Personal Finance.

Ken Faulkenberry presents Who Should, and Should Not, Convert a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA? posted at AAAMP Blog.


And the Rest…

Stephen Vanderpool presents NerdWallet’s Top 5 Most Common Investing Mistakes posted at NerdWallet.

Dividend Growth Investor presents MLP’s deliver consistent distribution increases posted at Dividend Growth Investor.

Jim presents What is a Mutual Fund? posted at Bargaineering.

Zach Tripp presents Two-Year Performance of the Vanguard 529 Index Fund Portfolio posted at FOLLOW MY 529.

Paul presents Why Invest For Dividends posted at Make Money Make Cents.

Bob presents What should I do with my old 401k? posted at ChristianPF.

Darrow Kirkpatrick presents Passive vs. Active Investing: Will We Ever Learn? posted at Can I Retire Yet?.

Dividend Growth Investor presents AT&T (T) Dividend Stock Analysis posted at Dividend Growth Investor.

Geoffrey @ Financial Highway presents Fixed Income ETFs posted at Financial Highway.

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Ken Faulkenberry April 27, 2012 at 1:50 pm

It’s always great to get recognition; thanks for the editors pick and hosting!


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